As probably many of you, we receive tons of unwanted mail everyday left in out mailboxes. Credit card applications, coupons that have no use for us, furniture flyers, etc. We decided to put all the unwanted mail that has our name and address in a box so when the box gets filled, we can take a moment to sit and go though all those papers to shred them.
For that use, we had an old, ugly box which I horribly wrapped with ugly gift wrapping. I guess it never bothered me until I saw it closely. It was very ugly;
I always liked those cute fabric boxes I have seen in a couple of my favorite stores but I wasn't too excited to get them for more than $18.00. I went to a few stores but I couldn't find any under that price. That was reason enough for me to think on my next project; a DIY fabric box.
Materials I used:
1- An Empty Cardboard Box $0.00 My brother got one at his workplace and gave it to me.
2- Fabric $3.00 per one yard. I went to Hobby Lobby and got a cute fabric on sale. :)
3- Scissors
4- Spray Adhesive
5- A ruler
The fabric:
The Box:
The beautiful finished box:
A fabric covered box for $3.00 not bad huh?

Bien bonita que te quedo la caja :D